Double Ungh

Man, this thing just won’t quit.

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Sorry. I got my booster shot yesterday, and I am so far from my best that I can’t see it from here even on a clear day. More posts soon, I promise.

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Dog of the Day: Dexter the Shiba Inu

Dexter (3) has his own instagram: @barkrangerdexter! He totally should be a San Francisco Pup Scouts leader!

Shiba Inu Snarling Like A Drama Queen
Such a drama queen.
Shiba Inu Looking Serious
The dignified doggie.
Shiba Inu Grinning Widely
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Sunday Switchup: The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill

I haven’t seen these guys close up for a couple of years, though I do hear them quite frequently. But Autumn was lucky enough to have them visit her while she was dogsitting last week.

Three Of San Francisco's Wild Cherry-Headed Conures
They’re ‘cherry-headed conures’. Also known as the ‘red-masked parakeet’. How did I live this long and not know that parakeets were a subset of parrots?
Cherry-Headed Conure Photobomb
They are very smart, and very goofy, birds.
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Dog of the Day: Vizsla Passenger

This is apparently a friend of yesterday’s pup, although I didn’t find out anything more about her than that.

Vizsla Looking Goofy With Her Head Out A Car Window
Haven’t gotten any car-window pictures in AGES.
Vizsla Sticking Her Head Out A Car Window
Pretty sure she was looking past me to her friend the poodle here.
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Dog of the Day: Charlie the Standard Poodle

Charlie is 13 years old, and a very, very good boy. He was named after the dog in the book Travels with Charley, although I have the name down spelled differently. Can’t remember if I got it wrong or if his folks took liberties. Whichever, he’s very much his own dog.

Grey Standard Poodle With White Muzzle
Doing great for an old guy… healthy, happy, and out wandering the city.
Grey Standard Poodle With White Muzzle
This is when Charlie got a glimpse of the dog I’m going to be posting tomorrow, who is apparently a friend of his.
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Dog of the Day: Maybe Woods the Possibly Minpin Mix Probably Puppy

These were taken on the same day as the dog with the … amusing note from yesterday. So I’m not entirely sure, but I think this might be Woods, the six-month-old miniature pinscher mix.

Six Month Old Miniature Doberman Pinscher Mix Puppy
Very bold stance for such a little bitty pup.
Six Month Old Miniature Doberman Pinscher Mix Puppy
According to his mom, he’s quite strong for a dog his size, and tries to drag her around.
Six Month Old Miniature Doberman Pinscher Mix Puppy
A little bit hyper, isn’t he?
Six Month Old Miniature Doberman Pinscher Mix Puppy
I feel like I’m being judged.
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Dog of the Day: Pembroke Welsh Corgi

I don’t know anything about this pup. I do have a note regarding the day that I took these pictures, but it’s a bit… cryptic. I think perhaps I put my phone in my pocket without locking it:

(No hovertext or captions today. Just some cute puppage.)

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Dog of the BIRTHDAY: Baxby the Great Pyrenees Poodle Mix

Baxby the pyradoodle (is that a thing?) is one year old today, so everybody sing Happy Birthday! I ran into him a few days ago and promised to post him today, and then utterly forgot about it… until I RAN INTO HIM AGAIN TODAY! Thank goodness I was reminded, because he’s adoraboodle.

Scruffy Great Pyrenees Poodle Mix
He’s so long and low! I would have bet there was some Bassett or corgi in there, but apparently not.
Scruffy Great Pyrenees Poodle Mix
Look at those lips.
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Dog of the Day: Russell the Beagle Puppy

Russell is only four months old, but he’s already got a firm grasp on pathos.

Beagle Puppy With The World's Most Puppydog Eyes Expression
A bit of a drama queen, isn’t he?
Someone Playing With The Jowls Of A Beagle Puppy
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