Dog of the Day: Luna the Samoyed Husky Mix

Keeping Luna’s (1 year old) attention was a bit tough, but when I made some funny noises she looked over at me and cocked her head to the side and become 10% cuter, even though I never thought that was possible!

Samoyed Siberian Husky Mix
That ear fluff tho!
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Dog of the Day: Arley the Welsh Terrier

I ran into Arley (2, a boy) in Carmel, but it turns out that he was on vacation, just like me, only Arley was down from Seattle! That’s a long walk for such a short pup!

Welsh Terrier
He’s got quite a glint in his eyes!
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Sunday Switchup: Jeeves

I thought the best butlers were English, but this Frenchie seems pretty good at what he does.

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Seal-turday Supplement: Harbor Seal Family

These three were wiggling around a bit, but mostly enjoying their sunny morning in Point Lobos. And so was I.

Three Harbor Seals, A Female, A Male, And A Juvenile, Basking On A Rock
The little one did some laps around the rock before he? she? popped out onto the rock. Mom and dad did not appear interested in playing along.
Baby Harbor Seal Lying On A Rock
All the little ones I’ve seen are silvery, but the adults are a lot of different shades, and it doesn’t appear to be dependent upon gender.
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Dog of the Day: Great Pyrenees (With Special Cameo)

Heck of a pup! Also, these pictures were taken with my new (-ish) Sony mirrorless, an A7Riii. When it’s bright outside, it does have its issues with shadows, but it’s amazing how much detail I can pull out of a picture.

Great Pyrenees Grinning On A Beach
I edited several humans out of this picture. They’re just so much less cute than the dogs are!
Great Pyrenees Grinning On A Beach
Pretty nice zoom, right? This is a crop from the previous picture.
Australian Shepherd Running Through The Waves
As is this. Not too shabby!
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Dog of the Day: Red Border Collie

I remember that this pup was a border collie, but not her name. I do recall that one of the people walking her was a vet, and that she knew what a ‘recessive red‘ coat color was.

Recessive Red Border Collie Lying On A Beach
She was VERY VERY FOCUSED. But then, there was a ball involved.
Recessive Red Border Collie Running On A Beach
It amazes me that dogs don’t get cold in the Pacific.
Recessive Red Border Collie With Ball On Beach
I just love the proud attitude here.
Recessive Red Border Collie Lying On A Beach Holding A Ball
Apparently she liked lying down in the water when she was overheated from running around like a crazy thing.
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Double Dog Play: Two Sons of a Beach!

Saw these two playing on the beach during my little vacation. They were sure having a lot of fun.

Australian Cattle Dog And Border Collie Playing On A Beach
It was a really nice, relaxing week. I think I’m about ready to retire. 😛
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Dog of the Day: Poppy the Chihuahua Mix And Friend

Poppy is 16, but she’s doing great! Must be because she has such a great friend.

Woman With Mask Holding Chihuahua Mix
Chihuahuas don’t always like me, but I got plenty of smooches from this cutie.
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Slitherday Supplement: Western Fence Lizard

I wasn’t quite as successful taking pictures of wildlife over my vacation as I would have liked, but I did run across some seals, some birds, a snake, one or two sea otters (from a great distance), and a couple of somewhat skeptical lizards.

Western Fence Lizard On A Log
This last week was the first real use I got out of the camera I bought two Novembers ago. 2020 has a lot to answer for.
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Dog of the Day: Australian Cattle Dog

The internet largely doesn’t exist where I am right now, so it’s taken a bit of Rube-Goldbergery to get this posted, but I thought I’d post it anyway. Still getting the hang of the ‘new’ camera I bought myself just before COVID hit and haven’t used basically at all until now, but here’s a picture from it, of a cattle dog who was having the time of his life on a beach in Santa Cruz.

Australian Cattle Dog Running Across The Beach With A Frisbee
I think the rock in the background is called ‘Seal Rock’, although there weren’t any actual seals on it. Just birds.
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