I don’t really know what to say about these. So I won’t.

I don’t really know what to say about these. So I won’t.
I was walking along Polk Street, past a relatively new veterinarian’s office, when I saw a little cutie peering out at me. So I snapped a few pictures of him and his brother, just in for healthy-kitten checkups. I think this is Guddi, and next week we’ll have his brother, Zahar.
They have an instagram account, but, and this is TERRIBLE, there’s nothing in it yet. Follow them, and then badger their folks mercilessly until they post MORE CUTE CAT PICTURES.
Today, instead of my normal ‘post a picture or two with captions and hovertext’, I would like to give you an idea of how hard (and how much fun!) it sometimes is to get pictures of these dogs. Dogs like Moshi, the 5-month-old puppy with enough energy to power about two thirds of the state.
The first couple look pretty reasonable, but it didn’t take long for her to become a hypervelocity projectile.
Bandit is a Bernadoodle, a fuzzly little Bernadoodle! Six months old and one hell of a lover.
Thailand is three, and is a professional mom! That is to say, she carries litters for Guide Dogs for the Blind up in San Rafael. I do not have her pups’ stats available but if she’s anything to judge by, they’re probably super-awesome guide dogs!
I’m not sure ‘Odin’ quite captures this three-year-old’s super-happy personality, but hey, a cute-dog-nose by any other name smells just as well, right?
Got my pictures of Tunnel (2, male) after it’d gotten quite dim outside, so most of them were blurry, but I still wanted to show him off because you don’t see a whole lot of ridgeback mixes even around here.
A toller, a toller! And she’s pretty big for a five-month-old. She’s already a handful, as you can see on her so-far-sparse but still ridiculously adorable instagram. Pretty soon she’s going to be two handfuls. Handsful? Something like that.