Dog of the Day: Pembroke Welsh Corgi

I don’t know anything about this pup. I do have a note regarding the day that I took these pictures, but it’s a bit… cryptic. I think perhaps I put my phone in my pocket without locking it:

(No hovertext or captions today. Just some cute puppage.)

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Dog of the BIRTHDAY: Baxby the Great Pyrenees Poodle Mix

Baxby the pyradoodle (is that a thing?) is one year old today, so everybody sing Happy Birthday! I ran into him a few days ago and promised to post him today, and then utterly forgot about it… until I RAN INTO HIM AGAIN TODAY! Thank goodness I was reminded, because he’s adoraboodle.

Scruffy Great Pyrenees Poodle Mix
He’s so long and low! I would have bet there was some Bassett or corgi in there, but apparently not.
Scruffy Great Pyrenees Poodle Mix
Look at those lips.
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Dog of the Day: Russell the Beagle Puppy

Russell is only four months old, but he’s already got a firm grasp on pathos.

Beagle Puppy With The World's Most Puppydog Eyes Expression
A bit of a drama queen, isn’t he?
Someone Playing With The Jowls Of A Beagle Puppy
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Dog of the Day: Filbert the Boxer

This is Zoey’s older brother Filbert. He is less neurotic but just as sweet.

Brown Boxer Snoozing On Brown Leather Sofa
He blends right in, doesn’t he?
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Dog of the Day: Zoey the Boxer Again

I know I just posted Zoey last Friday, but I am totally feeling this picture. I was supposed to have a nerve-wracking surgery today, I lost sleep over it for like four days, and then it turned out they screwed up the schedule and now I don’t get to try again until mid-November.

Sad-Looking Boxer On A Sofa
I swear, I need a year off. Maybe a hundred.
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Caturday Supplement: Zahar (Probably) the Kitten

I know for sure that this is the twin brother of last Caturday’s kitten, but I’m not really sure which one is which. So we’re going to assume that this is Zahar.

Adorable Grey Tiger Tabby Kitten
This one came out okay, but taking pictures through a window…
Grey Tiger Tabby Kitten Being Held Up In A Window
…is kind of fraught. Nevertheless, I think this one was cute enough that the reflection was worth it.
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Dog of the Day: Zoey the Boxer

I dogsat for two boxers, Zoey and Filbert, a couple weeks ago. This is Zoey, and she is such a (hyperactive, neurotic) sweetheart.

Boxer Looking Plaintive With One Paw On The Sofa
She would come over and put her paw up like this, but she wouldn’t get up on the sofa until I invited her. SO CUTE.
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Dog of the Day: Sugo the Siberian Husky

I ran into Sugo (4) and his mom and dad while I was out wandering before work one day last week. And it turns out that he is one of the mascots for a nice little restaurant on Fillmore Street, right at the top of Pacific Heights, called Jackson Fillmore Trattoria.

Woman With Extremely Happy Husky
The restaurant doesn’t have any pictures of Sugo on their web site, which in my opinion displays a startling lack of marketing skill.
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Dog of the Day: Prince the Border Collie Mix

I am told that Prince (8 years old now) is a ‘repeat customer’, that I’ve taken pictures of him before. I’m going to have to take his mom’s word for it, because I only have one ‘Prince’ in my picture history, and although he’s the right age, he’s very much not the right color. Oh well, at least I have his name now.

Border Collie Mix Looking Very Sarcastic
I promise he is nowhere near as sarcastic as he looks in this picture.
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Dog of the Day: Oscar the Cocker Spaniel Puppy

When I stopped by the vet to say hello to the two kittens (last Caturday and next Caturday), I also found Oscar in for his healthy 15-week-old puppy exam. He liked watching the kitties as much as I did.

Man Holding Cocker Spaniel Puppy In His Lap
Is it just me or is Oscar… pretty big for a fifteen-week-old cocker spaniel?
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