Dog of the Day: Elliot the Great Dane Mix

Elliot’s dad doesn’t really know what he is (aside from a 2 year old boy) but I have to say, I’m pretty sure there’s some Great Dane in there somewhere.

Black Great Dane Mix
Not sure I’ve ever seen a brow ridge quite like that before.
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Caturday Supplement: Versacè the Flooooooofy

It’s been quite a while since I’ve met a kitty personally. Lucky me! I ran across this floofy cutie at a local park, taking the air.

Woman With Fluffy Ginger Cat In Cat Carrier
Versaché seems to quite enjoy his little excursions.
Woman With Fluffy Ginger Cat In Cat Carrier Looking Squooshy And Happy
Look at the gorgeous flame pattern on his head.
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Dog of the BIRTHDAY: Scout the Siberian Husky Mix

I was out on my morning stroll this morning and I ran across Scout on Hyde Street, on Russian Hill, right along the cable car line. (Have I ever mentioned how awesome it is to live two blocks away from two of the three remaining cable car lines in the entire world? Because it is pretty awesome.) And his dad told me that today was Scout’s FIRST BIRTHDAY and I thought ‘okay, I know who the dog of the day is!’

Small Siberian Husky Mix Dog Sitting And Grinning
Scout has the softest fur EVER. Like, softer than husky fur. Rabbit fur has nothing on this guy.
Small Siberian Husky Mix Dancing And Sticking Out His Tongue
Anyone have a guess what he’s mixed with? Something with ‘down’ ears, anyway.
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Double Dog Day: Bi-Basenjage

Just a comfortably married couple (of basenjis) hanging out on the beach on a lovely day.

Two Basenjis On The Beach
These pups’ owner actually had a third basenji, but he was wandering around offscreen. That’s roughly three times the number of basenjis I normally see in an entire year.
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Dog of the Day: Gizmo the Yorkshire Terrier

Gizmo (a boy, I think) is a very hard-working terrier!

Yorkshire Terrier Standing In A Crosswalk
I am not sure if Gizmo was a puppy, or just little.
Yorkshire Terrier Standing On His Hind Legs And Holding Hands With A Woman
He looks very serious, doesn’t he?
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Double Doodle Day: The Architect Pets

Saw these two hanging out in an architecture studio, keeping a close eye on the passers-by.

Goldendoodle Standing In A Window
So unfair that I couldn’t pet them. The owner is a meanie.
Two Goldendoodles In A Window
I think the one on the right might be a little mean himself.
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Sunday Switchup: Flutterday!

I got this picture from about fifteen feet away. Pretty amazing camera, huh?

These fellows had gorgeous colorful wings. They refused to flutter them while I was aiming a camera, though!

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Seal-tur-day Supplement: Seal Ions

Okay okay they’re sea lions. But sea lions are in the family known as ‘eared SEALS’ so deal with it!

Two Sea Lions Flirting While Swimming
These two were flirting around in the Monterey Bay.
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Dog of the Day: Theo(dore) the Goldendoodle

Theo (3) is a pretty unusual goldendoodle: scruffy fur (trimmed close at the moment), white blazes on nose and chest. But he’s definitely got the attitude of a goldendoodle, and that’s what really counts.

I believe it was Theo’s mom who told me she collects photos of abandoned shoes. I encouraged her to start a web site called The Shoes of San Francisco. If she does, I’ll be sure and link it!

Golden Retriever Poodle Mix
I got annoyed by the background and erased most of it. It’s a little weird-looking. I need more training in this stuff.
Goldendoodle Jumping Into The Air
It’s hard to tell, but his hind legs are at least six inches off the ground. Heck of a leaper!
Got a great grin, doesn’t he?
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Dog of the Day: Labrador Retriever Mix

Look at this guy. Look at how happy he is. I didn’t get his name, but if I recall correctly he’s eleven or twelve.

Old Labrador Retriever Mix Smiling
Man, I wish my hair had turned white like that instead of all falling out. I think I’d look awesome in white hair.
Old Black Labrador Retriever Mix Grinning At The Camera
Sometimes you can tell which dogs like hugs just by looking. This guy likes hugs. I guarantee it.
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