Dog of the Day: Momo the Chihuahua Dachshund Mix

Momo (12) was pretty tired when I ran into her, but she was still keen on saying hello.

Chihuahua Dachshund Mix In A Baby Carriage

I think the other carriage had an actual baby.

Chihuahua Dachshund Mix In A Baby Carriage

Had the ‘canine figurehead’ thing down pat, didn’t she?

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Dog of the Day: Luffy the Shiba Inu Puppy

When I ran into Luffy (short for Woofyluffy, pronounced ‘Loofy’) he was 20 weeks old. Please to spend some time squealing in delight.

No captions, no hovertext, just ridiculous cutiosity.

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Dog of the Day: Blanca the Border Collie Mix

This is the second Blanca I’ve met. When I ran into her, she was fifteen years old, and as sweet as sweet could be.

Border Collie Mix Looking Plaintive

I don’t know how her folks survived fifteen years of puppydog eyes.

Border Collie Mix Looking Delighted

…although the giant goofy grins might have had something to do with it.

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Dog of the Day: Chance the Siberian Husky Mix

Meet Chance, one year old, husky mixed with who knows what. He’s such a good boy. Even when he’s a very naughty boy.

Heterochromaic White Siberian Husky Mix

He’s pretty skinny. Maybe we should call him ‘slim Chance’?

Heterochromaic White Siberian Husky Mix Staring Into The Camera

Chance was a very curious boy.

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Dog of the Day: Mjolnir the Pomeranian

Well, Mjolnir is a new dog name on me, but here he is, 7 years old, and with sensitive little feets!

Pomeranian With Boots

Puss in Boots’s long-lost cousin, no doubt.

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Key Lime Pie Sundae Sunday Switchup: Red Ribbon Fried Chicken

So I was intrigued enough by Red Ribbon Fried Chicken’s ‘Key Lime Pie Sundae’ to try one along with my fried chicken salad.

Verdict: meh. 2/5

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Dog of the Day: Tiffi the Highly British Dachshund Beagle Mix

I ran into Tiffi (girl, one year old) and her dad back in the halcyon days when we didn’t have to wear masks.

Man Hugging Dachshund Beagle Mix In A Sweater


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Dog of the Day: Rufus the Wire-Haired Dachshund Mix

Roof-roof-Rufus (2) is friends with Hector, or at least they were chilling out together when I ran across them.

Brown Scruffy Wire-Haired Dachshund Mix With Half-Flopped Ears Grinning At The Camera

I don’t know what that style of ears is called, but I love it.

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Dog of the Day: Hector the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Dachshund Mix

I ran into Hector (8 years old) on Monday. He lives just a couple blocks down the street from me, and is apparently half-corgi and half FOOFLY WIENER!

Blond Pembroke Welsh Corgi Long-Haired Dachshund Mix Grinning At The Camera

He was loitering without a mask! Such a bad boy.

Blond Pembroke Welsh Corgi Long-Haired Dachshund Mix Sniffing The Camera


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Dog of the Day: Jade the Gorgeous ADOPTABLE Husky!

In my little photography expedition yesterday I ran across a few dogs. Jade (7 months, girl, may be mixed with something) was the prettiest, and the only one who was adoptable. She’s friendly, loves people and dogs. (They aren’t sure about kids and cats, but that’s just because the woman fostering her had only had her for a day.)

The reason she’s up for adoption is because she apparently ate a tea towel, and the folks who owned her couldn’t afford the surgery to get it extracted. Apparently they were having COVID-related money troubles, and this was just the last straw. I feel for them, Jade is just such an amazing sweetheart. If you’re looking for one, check her out at Jake’s Wish Rescue!

White Siberian Husky Pup

She is super dainty. It might be a mixed heritage, or just adolescent gangle.

White Siberian Husky Pup

Her tummy and her leg are both shaved, the tummy for the surgery and the leg for the IV.

White Siberian Husky Pup Sticking Her Tongue Out

She definitely has a fair bit of derp to her!

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