Dog of the Birthday: Rider the Friendly Entlebucher

I ran into a birthday dog a couple of days back and promptly forgot to post him. Sorry, Pickles! I’ll post you soon, I promise!

And today I ran into another birthdog, and I promised myself I wouldn’t forget, even though my computer is busy being copied to a new one so I need to do this from my phone. So here is Rider (2 today!), the friendliest Entlebucher I’ve ever met.

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Dog of the Day: Golden Retriever Puppy

Some old pictures from the Airbnb headquarters. I didn’t catch this pup’s name, I was too busy squealing, taking pictures, and petting the pup.

Golden Retriever Puppy Lying On The Ground And Being Petted

Places that let you bring your dog to work are just as good for the dogs as they are for the humans.

Golden Retriever Puppy Lying On The Ground And Being Petted

I’m really glad my new job is even more dog-friendly than my old one was. Almost never a dog-free day in the office!

Golden Retriever Puppy Lying On The Ground And Being Petted

There’s even a puppy, although I gather he’s a bit too disruptive to bring very often.

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Blast from the Past: Tidus the Famous Corgi

We still miss Tidus!

Pembroke Welsh Corgi With A Cup Stuck On His Nose

He got himself into that (yoghurt), and eventually out of it as well.Tidu

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Sunday Switchup: The Best Hood Ornament Ever

I saw a nifty little trucklet out in front of my office the other day. I don’t think Mack makes anything this small any more, and I think that’s a real shame. No idea how their trucks were but their hood ornaments were great!

Mack Truck Hood Ornament

It has an amazing mustache, doesn’t it?

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Dog of the Day: Connor the… Humongous Dachshund?

Connor, Autumn’s family dog, seems to have transmogrified!

Shaved Irish Setter Poodle Mix

Can you believe how different he looks? Heck, even when I lost all my hair I didn’t look THAT different.

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Dog of the Day: Krypto the Korean Jindo White Shepherd Mix

I love Krypto’s name: he was named after Superman’s dog, who he definitely resembles. And he’s super-friendly!

White Shepherd Korean Jindo Mix Grinning

I saw Krypto out the window of the restaurant I was eating at and promptly (if temporarily) abandoned my dinner.

White Shepherd Korean Jindo Mix Grinning

His folks were very nonchalant about the whole thing. I suspect he gets a lot of attention.

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Dog of the Day: Roman the Labradoodle Puppy

I ran into Roman (6 months old) a couple days ago. He was so wiggly!

Golden Retriever Poodle Mix Puppy

Just a little teeny peeking tongue.

Labradoodle Puppy

Pretty little tag. Olive branches and a a heart and a dog and… I have no idea what it means but it’s pretty.

Labradoodle Puppy

Those are the whitest teeth I have ever seen on a dog, even on a puppy.

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Dog of the Day: Mario Edwardo Bernal the Repeat Customer Chow German Shepherd Shar Pei Mix

I ran into Edward, AKA Mario Edwardo Bernal, the other day, and I thought, ‘Hey, he looks familiar!’ I asked his dad if he remembered me, and he said, ‘Yeah, hey, you ran into him AGES ago!’ And I looked him up, and sure enough, I ran into him in 2014 and posted him in 2015. I’m not surprised I remembered him, he’s very distinctive — and distinguished — looking!

Chow German Shepherd Border Collie Mix With Partial Heterochromia

We thought Edwardo here was a golden mix, but since 2015 he’s had a genetic test, and he came out 1/4 each chow, German shepherd, and border collie, plus 1/4 ‘miscellaneous’.

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Dog of the Day: SF SPCA Mutt

I dropped by the SPCA not too long ago and found this gal hanging out. I’m going to guess Australian cattle dog/pit mix, but you can’t hold me to it.

Australian Cattle Dog American Pit Bull Terrier Mix

It’s amazing how different dogs’ attitudes are when they’re stuck in a shelter. I have no doubt this one got snapped up very quickly.

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PIRATE of the Day: YARRR!

This is from a CorgiCon a while back. Pretty terrifying, isn’t it?

Pembroke Welsh Corgi In A Pirate Costume Standing In The Bow Of A Fake Ship

A lot of the dogs posed in the ship, but this one was especially good at it.

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