I had a rare daytime sighting of laundrypuppy a couple weeks ago. Apparently he and his dad are none the worse for wear after their harrowing experience of late last year. Thank goodness!

I had a rare daytime sighting of laundrypuppy a couple weeks ago. Apparently he and his dad are none the worse for wear after their harrowing experience of late last year. Thank goodness!
These two are siblings — adopted, of course — and the best of friends.
Happy New Year’s! I hope this one works out better for the world than the last couple did.
This is a kitty cutie owned by a friend of Autumn’s. Check out that coloration! Never seen anything like it before.
Happy New Ears Eve! Nobody knows quite what Marcello is, aside from giantly floofy and adorable. I’m guessing golden retriever, but I’m really not sure what else. Husky, maybe?
I love the name! Jimmy is 8, and the name came about this way: his folks moved from Europe (Germany, IIRC) to Chicago, and immediately started watching basketball. And one of their favorite Chicago players was named Jimmy Butler, nicknamed ‘Jimmy Buckets‘. So when they got a pup, it was a natural name. Then they moved to San Francisco and the basketball player moved to Miami but the dog stayed with them. Good thing, too!
Saw this on a building I wandered by on the 24th. I really wanted to make a construction paper Santa hat to put on him for the holidays, but it was a couple of miles away from my apartment and I’m lazy. Alas!
I ran into an adorable pair of pals when I was out and about on Christmas Eve, and since one of them is a cat and Christmas falls on a Caturday this year, I just HAD to post some pictures of them. So, meet Uni (the 1-year-old cat) and Freddy (the 8-month-old golden retriever). They are brothers, as evidenced by their adorable instagram page, titled ‘Freddy Uni The Brothers‘.
Banksy (8 months old) doesn’t need to wait up tonight for Santa Claus, because every day is a present to him.