Banksy (8 months old) doesn’t need to wait up tonight for Santa Claus, because every day is a present to him.

Banksy (8 months old) doesn’t need to wait up tonight for Santa Claus, because every day is a present to him.
Arya is only nine months old, but she seems to be friendly with a healthy side helping of skepticism.
Autumn is visiting a friend, and this friend has a new kitten!
A giant FLOOFBALL! Ziggy (4) is a rescue from ‘Bay Area Rescue Keeshonden‘, a noble organization that I had no idea even existed until I met him.
Doing something a little different today: hovertext, because I know JUST what this dog is thinking, but no captions, because I have no idea what I’M thinking.
Honey (four months old) is as sweet as her name, and deserves all the petting she gets from random passers-by. Like me.
We haven’t had one of these little awesome pups in literally A DECADE. Thank goodness that dry spell ends now, with Lucie (3).
Gigi is only 13 weeks old and oh my gosh she has ALL THE ENERGY.
Too many pictures and too much cute for captions and hovertext today. Enjoy!
Bylka is four, and her name is the word for one kind of sweet bun in Russian. She is very sweet, and she has nice buns, so that seems appropriate.
Dipsea (10 months, male) is an immigrant from Russia! He came from a little village, and was born with crooked legs. When he was shipped over here, they broke them and reset them so they’d heal straight, and now he’s fully healed and he can run and play with other dogs and go hiking with his mom and dad. Which is where he got his name: there’s a trail called the ‘Dipsea trail‘ in the North Bay, and it’s gorgeous and quite a rough hike. I’m sure he can run it in a couple of hours, but I’m lucky if I can limp it in a day.