Dog of the Day: Cleo the Siberian Husky German Shepherd Mix

This is Cleo, short for Cleopatra. She’s 18 months old, so she’s old enough to know better but not old enough to care.

German Shepherd Mix With Heterochromia
Not 100% sure he’s a husky mix… could also be an ACD mix. But either way, I love the eyes: it looks like he’s always winking at me.
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Dog of the Day: Rudy the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Poodle Mix Puppy

Autumn’s family had a dog named ‘Roxie-roo’… well, this is Rudy-roo! He’s four months old, and full of wiggles and raw charisma.

Cavapoo Puppy Standing On Hind Legs
I always mistake these pups for goldendoodles when I see them as puppies.
Cavapoo Puppy Grinning
Rudy very much wanted to lick my face. He managed it a couple of times, too.
Cavapoo Puppy Grinning Back Over His Shoulder
Someone really didn’t want to leave me.
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Dog of the Day: Teddy the Rottweiler

Teddy is a vicious terrible monster! Well, that’s what Rottweilers were billed as a few decades ago. You can just see it in his eye, can’t you?

Rottweiler Looking Pensive
Teddy rested his head on my shoulder, the moment I gave him the opportunity.
Happy Rottweiler
Rotties are such big lovable goofs.
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Bonus Dog of the Day: Rumor the Border Collie Nova Scotia Duck-Tolling Retriever Mix BIRTHDAY GIRL!

I know, I know, it’s Caturday, but I don’t have a cat to post, and anyway, I ran into Rumor today and it’s her fifteenth birthday!

I am proud of myself. I saw her and I thought, ‘Pretty sure I have seen this dog before’. And I heard her name and thought, ‘Definitely!’ And it turns out that yes, I have, in 2012! A full decade ago, and I still remember her.

I can’t remember to take my medications, and I can’t remember my damn appointments, but I can remember literally thousands of the dogs that I’ve taken pictures of. I have my priorities, after all!

Old Border Collie Nova Scotia Duck-Tolling Retriever Mix With One Ear Up
One ear up, one flopped. Too cute!
Old Border Collie Nova Scotia Duck-Tolling Retriever Mix
She seems a lot happier to have her picture taken these days than she was the first time I posted her.
Old Border Collie Nova Scotia Duck-Tolling Retriever Mix
She didn’t even mind close-ups…
Old Border Collie Nova Scotia Duck-Tolling Retriever Mix Sticking Her Nose Into The Camera
…or schnozz shots!
Old Border Collie Nova Scotia Duck-Tolling Retriever Mix Grinning
Look at that smile. She sure is a happy pup.
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Dog of the Day: Bella the German Shepherd Mix

Any thoughts about what Bella (1) might be mixed with? That coloration and shape look like a husky mix, but a German shepherd husky mix would have big perky pointy ears, not these ridiculously goofy 2/3 flopped-over things.

German Shepherd Mix With Mostly Flopped Ears
Could also be a husky mixed with something other than German shepherd, maybe?
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Dog of the Day: Freya the Australian Shepherd Poodle Mix Puppy

Freya (6 months) is a little bitty Aussie-doodle. I don’t think she’s gonna be terribly big even when she’s full-grown, but she’s mighty!

Small Black Aussiedoodle Puppy
Freya is named after the Norse goddess of love, war, and glory. Unlike most Norse deities, she is a member of the Vanir, not the Aesir. This means that…
Small Black Australian Shepherd Poodle Mix Puppy
Sorry, I’m a bit of a Norse legend geek.
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Dog of the Day: Jasper the Golden Retriever Border Collie Mix

So Jasper (6) had a DNA test! And Jasper’s DNA test said that he was a pit bull/Staffordshire terrier mix. To which I say, ‘hahahahano’. He’s as friendly as a pit or a Staffie but he’s nothing like either one in any other way. So I’m going to say that it either was one of those 25% that are just whacked out, or his results got mixed up with someone else’s. In either case, I’m gonna guess golden/border collie.

No captions or hovertext today, too much happy and cute to be captured that way.

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Dog of the Day: Demanding Chihuahua

Someone was standing outside a couple of local eateries. And was not entirely happy with having to stand out there when the rest of the family was inside having Thai food, or frozen yoghurt, or whatever.

Chihuahua Tied Up Outside Frozen Yoghurt Place
“Loving Cup” makes great frozen yoghurt. I wish I liked frozen yoghurt anywhere near as much as I like ice cream…
Tied-Up Chihuahua Barking
I always feel a little guilty when I set a tied-up dog to barking.
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Dog of the Day: Bruno the German Shepherd (Mix?) Puppy

I think maybe the update to one of my WordPress plugins on Thursday is what killed it, because there was another update to that plugin today and things work now. So yay, I guess.

To celebrate, I would like to introduce seven-month-old Bruno, a pup of remarkable poise and ears. He is a very, very good boy.

German Shepherd Puppy With Cocked Ears Looks Stoic And Proud
German Shepherds aren’t supposed to have ‘cocked ears’, but I really hope his stay this way because they are adorable.
German Shepherd Puppy With Cocked Ears Holding His Right Foreleg Up
If you look at his left foreleg, he got a bit shaved off recently. I think perhaps he was (shh) fixed recently?
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Site News: Gee Thanks WordPress

Well, the wordpress site editor, which they have made drastically worse two separate times over the past three years, has now decided that I shouldn’t be able to insert images into my web site, presumably because they are jealous of all the adorable puppies I get to pet.

I will try to figure out how to fix it soon… but definitely not tonight.

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