Dog of the Day: Sweet Soulful Black Lab

I found this pup outside of a restaurant a while back. He is very sweet, and a very, very good boy.

Black Labrador Retriever Looking Soulful
If you look closely you’ll see that the leash is just dangling there. If he took a couple steps it would just fall off the railing. So, like I said… a very, very good boy.
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Double Dog Day: Miso the Shiba Inu and Alplie the Scruffenpupper

These two are siblings — adopted, of course — and the best of friends.

Shiba Inu Trying To Sniff The Camera
Pictures from ‘The Panhandle’, which is a spot in SF where people mostly don’t panhandle.
Terrier Mix Sniffing Dead Leaves
It’s also a place that I hadn’t posted any pictures from until last week, in the decade-plus that this site had been going.
Shiba Inu With Eyes Closed Looking Very Kawaii
It’s a pretty spot, and there are lots of dogs. I should wander down there more often.
Woman With Scruffy Terrier Mix
Unusual to find a pair where the shiba inu is more sociable than the little scrappy terrier.
Shiba Inu And Scruffy Grey Terrier Mix
There you have it: fluffenpupper and scruffenpupper.
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Catty Mew Year’s Day!

Happy New Year’s! I hope this one works out better for the world than the last couple did.

This is a kitty cutie owned by a friend of Autumn’s. Check out that coloration! Never seen anything like it before.

Calico Tabby With Grey And Orange Patches
Calico Tabby, apparently. Although I’ve never seen one with grey rather than black, let alone one with that pattern. Gorgeous!
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Dog of New Ears Eve: Marcello the Floofy Something Or Other

Happy New Ears Eve! Nobody knows quite what Marcello is, aside from giantly floofy and adorable. I’m guessing golden retriever, but I’m really not sure what else. Husky, maybe?

White Fluffy Golden Retriever Husky Mix
Woman With White Fluffy Golden Retriever Husky Mix
He is a total fluffy teddy bear. Calm and friendly.
Woman Hugging Her Golden Retriever Husky Mix
Anyway I vote him most likely to be found keeping me warm at night.
Woman Hugging Golden Retriever Husky Mix
And leaving about a pound of fur per week in my bed.
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Dog of the Day: Golden Passenger

Someone was having a lovely drive through the city on Christmas Eve.

Golden Retriever Sticking His Head Out Of a Truck Window
Phone cameras just keep getting better.
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Dog of the Day: Jimmy Buckets the Labrador Retriever Mix

I love the name! Jimmy is 8, and the name came about this way: his folks moved from Europe (Germany, IIRC) to Chicago, and immediately started watching basketball. And one of their favorite Chicago players was named Jimmy Butler, nicknamed ‘Jimmy Buckets‘. So when they got a pup, it was a natural name. Then they moved to San Francisco and the basketball player moved to Miami but the dog stayed with them. Good thing, too!

Black Labrador Retriever Mix With Goofy Sideways Ears And A White Medallion
I don’t know what he’s mixed with, but whatever it was gave him some amazing ears.
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Sunday Switchup: Silhouette

Saw this on a building I wandered by on the 24th. I really wanted to make a construction paper Santa hat to put on him for the holidays, but it was a couple of miles away from my apartment and I’m lazy. Alas!

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Meowry Catsmus Supplement (With Bonus Happy New Dog!)

I ran into an adorable pair of pals when I was out and about on Christmas Eve, and since one of them is a cat and Christmas falls on a Caturday this year, I just HAD to post some pictures of them. So, meet Uni (the 1-year-old cat) and Freddy (the 8-month-old golden retriever). They are brothers, as evidenced by their adorable instagram page, titled ‘Freddy Uni The Brothers‘.

Tuxedo Cat In A Cat Carrier
Uni was a little freaked out because apparently a bunch of people tried to pet him earlier, so I didn’t push my luck. I wish I could have gotten a good picture from above, though, because he has the most gorgeous ‘frosted’ ears. You should go look at them on his Instagram!
Woman Leaning Down To Hug Happy Golden Retriever
This, of course, is Freddy. Who was a minor miracle, at least with me: an 8-month-old golden who was delighted to meet me but who DIDN’T jump all over me!
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Dog of Christmas Eve: Banksy the Australian Shepherd Poodle Mix Puppy

Banksy (8 months old) doesn’t need to wait up tonight for Santa Claus, because every day is a present to him.

Australian Shepherd Poodle Mix Puppy Grinning
Someone is still growing into his fur.
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Dog of the Day: Golden Retriever

Been a while since we’ve had a grown-up golden retriever on this here blog-thang.

Golden Retriever Looking Serious
Why so serious, doggo?
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