Dog of the Day: Sky the Border Collie

Sky (2, f) has… quite a look, doesn’t she? She also has quite an Instagram! She is apparently a full border collie. Pretty amazing, huh?

Crazy Goofy Looking Border Collie With Very Fuzzy Up Ears
Magnificent ears! Magnificent tongue!
Crazy Goofy Looking Border Collie With Very Fuzzy Up Ears
Magnificently goofy in every dimension.
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Dog of the Day: Sailor the Australian Shepherd

I ran into Sailor (5) in a Russian Hill park. She’s a rebel!

Blue Merle Australian Shepherd Waiting For Photographer To Throw Her Ball
I was standing there talking to her mom and she decided that I looked like a good bet for a ball toss or two.
Blue Merle Australian Shepherd Fetching A Ball
Naughty naughty!
Blue Merle Australian Shepherd Looking Very Self-Satisfied
Just a little muddy around the toes. There was some mist and dew scattered around.
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Dog of the Day: Australian Shepherd Mix

Not sure what this pup is mixed with, but whatever it is looks to have a hell of a sense of humor.

Australian Shepherd Mix Dog On A Deck Grinning With One Ear Flopped
Ran into this pup at a little restaurant in Big Sur. He knew he was about to get something yummy.
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Sunday Switchup: Red Wood

Ran into this fine specimen in Big Sur while I was wandering around. Kind of like the perspective.

Redwood Tree, Shot Straight Up Trunk From Below
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Caturday Supplement: Biscuit the ADULT Kitty!

Biscuit is so all-grown-up that she’s old enough to order alcoholic beverages and smoke catnip! (Or so Autumn tells me; I’ve never met her myself.)

Old Cat
She’s got gorgeous eyes!
Old Cat Squinting
She likes the pettin’, too.
Alert Old Kitty
Caught mid-meow.
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Dog of the Day: My Old Friend Pepper the Wire Fox Terrier

There seems to be something seriously wrong on da blarg. This is because somehow, I don’t know how, I can’t find any pictures of my old friend Pepper, the fox terrier. I dogsat her a dozen times, and saw her even more often back when she lived down in SOMA right near where I used to work, and even more since she moved up near me. Did I seriously never post any pictures of her? Did I somehow mislabel them by screwing up her name AND her breed? WHAT HAPPENED? I dunno. I just know that y’all have been missing out, so here she is.

Wire Fox Terrier In A Red Vest
It’d been probably around two years since Pepper had seen me. Both of us were really excited to run into one another again.
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Dog of the Day: Labrador Retriever Mix

I didn’t get the name of this pup, I just remember that she was young and not very glad to see me at all.

Chocolate Labrador Retriever Mix Looking Over Her Shoulder
I don’t know why I was the one feeling let down. She was the one missing out on all the petting!
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Dog of the Day: Siberian Husky

I ran into this pup outside of a local coffee shop that I’ve never been in before, in line for a latte!

Siberian Husky
I was in line for the coffee shop, but I have to admit I mostly just got in line to say hi to the pup.
Siberian Husky With Blue Eyes Looking Into Camera
Good thing, too, since I didn’t have my mask with me, so I couldn’t actually go inside.
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Dog of the Day: Pinto Bean the Pug Boston Terrier Mix

Pinto Bean (3) was an adorable puzzle, until I asked mom about him. And then he was just adorable.

Lanky Pug Boston Terrier Mix Standing On His Hind Legs
Sorry about the trash can. I thought the pose and the pup (and the name!) were cute enough that it was worth it.
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Triple Dog Day: Bernadoodle, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, and Unknown Terrier Mix

Saw these three having a grand old time at Huntingdon Park, so I figured I’d snap a few action shots. Didn’t get any names, alas.

Also, no captions or hovertext. Too much cute!

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